
WreckedCarsForSaleNow.com is unique because it was created for  people who love special cars and are passionate about saving money. We have a deep understanding of repairable salvage cars, trucks, motorcycles and boats and the challenges that exist within the buying and selling infrastructure. We believe as the repairable salvage car industry as a whole advances and evolves, we strive to provide an environment where buying a repairable salvage car, everyone comes out a winner.

WreckedCarsForSaleNow.com Founder Alden J. Brachen recognized these challenges and a truly innovative solution was envisioned: a system that connects car buyers worldwide to robust and desirable repairable salvage car inventory quicker, easier and more accessible than ever. The objective was to create technology that powers next-generation automotive marketplaces and, perhaps most ambitious of all, see a world where automotive transactions are fair and easy for everyone.
